A Little Bit of Chaos

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Tuxedo and Tennis Gala

Slowly but surely my life is getting back to normal with the Tuxedo and Tennis Gala being over with. The event was last Saturday night and I had a lot of fun. In addition I was able to get all dressed up (I even wore make-up) and looked pretty hot/sexy, if I say so. (I will post some pictures later.)
This was the first major event I have had a hand in planning. The best part of it was meeting tons of "important" people throughout the city. After months of planning and stress the event was a success overall. There were almost 800 people in attendance and are estimating that we raised over $70,000 that night. We will have to wait and see how much of that goes to our Partner with Youth Campaign after expenses are paid. Speaking of Partner with Youth the branch I work at was the first to reach 100 % of goal (we hit it on November 15) and right now we look to be at 115% and pledges/donations are still coming in.
I am enjoying working at the YMCA and even though there have been some hard days that make me wonder if I am at the right place. I know in the long run this is the best place for me in terms of a career with the YMCA as when I am planning events, or working on flyers, brochures, press releases I really do enjoy the job. Not only have I grown in the last few months but I have also learned a great deal about myself and life. In terms of events now that Tux and Tennis is over with it is time for me to start working on the MLK Breakfast. I am also planning a raffle and a UPS drop off site at the branch which look to be both fun and generate some funds.
With that in mind if anybody needs some shipping of Christmas presents or packages let me know as I will give you more information. As of right now I meet with them on Tuesday to work out the details and exact dates of the shipping drop-offs. What I do know is the YMCA will receive 15% of all sales so like I said see me if you need to send anything within the next month or so.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Santa Claus

So I received an email with the subject line: You child wants a letter from Santa!
I find this somewhat disturbing as for a mere $9.95 I can send my child a personalized letter from Santa. And to top this off I can choose whether they receive one of six traditional or Christian letters. I don't know but I do not think I will be partaking in this ritual this year as Andrew is only nine months old and has no clue what Christmas is much less Santa Claus. But one can only assume millions of unsuspecting fools will partake in this activity. I can almost see my Grandpa doing such a thing and sending all his Great-Grandkids a letter from Santa as Andrew received a Happy Halloween card from him signed "The Great Pumpkin."

Sunday, November 13, 2005

The da Vinci Code

This is a must read ... as it invokes your questioning and opens your mind to new ideas.
Since my senior year of college I have been meaning to read this book but I have never got around to it. Yet after watching a documentary in Design class on Leonardo da Vinci ( I went to Borders and brought the book) and I must say it is worth every penny.
This book has inspired me to expand my knowledge and further my education on the subjects in the novel. Thus novel so far has invoked my thoughts and question my beliefs. It makes me realize something about myself and life. It raised thoughts about my education at SLU ... in that I never understood the Philosophy class I took at there and wonder why this is. The more I ponder the question I realize the answer is something that I needed to be answered over time. I believe that it wasn't that I was unable to understand yet more that I played dumb and didn't want to. I shut my mid off from this particular art and could care less about understanding to concepts or ideas. And as much as I hate to say this I have to say that a person that was once a very important part of my life was right on this account. I can visualize the very argument we had over the subject of philosophy and my understanding it one February night almost two years ago. As much as I wanted his help he was right when he told me that he couldn't help me to understand philosophy unless I truly wanted to. (And unfortunately at that time I was rather naive and didn't want to - so instead of just sticking out the class I took that easy road and dropped it). But now I do and I am going to read everything that I possibly can to further my knowledge and understanding of this and the Arts in general.
For some reason my mind has been searching for meaning to life for the last few weeks and all I know is what I can put in my art of writings and the readings are just another piece of the puzzle.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

The decisions you make

Do you take the road less traveled or the one that the path is known? But then again is that path really known ... for some reason the last few days I have been over analyzing every part of this theory (which I know is not good for me). Its not so much the question of what if ... But more the realization that every decision/action I have made in my life has lead me to where I am today. And its not even the major decision such where I should go to college or what I should major in but the ones that seemed so minor and small at the time that have had the major impact on me and my life. I am not saying that I want to change any part or anything in my life because I am happy with my life and who I am. I guess it is more of the realization that every decision I have made thus far in my life has lead me to who I am and where I am right now. I think for the most part I just needed to put this into words more than anything else.

Chaos: the beginning

As many of my friends have blogs ... thus I finally created my own. Entries which are for public consumption will be posted here otherwise I will keep the private ones in the life of elizabeth in my livejournal, unless I find a way to make private entries here. Enjoy and have fun reading about my chaotic life and adventures.